Generate an AI and become the star of its fantasies

Scan your face and give birth to your AI Alter Ego that explores a Metaverse underworld at night, dating, mating and fighting & pro-creating, while you sleep . Wake up in the morning and get a highlights reel of what it got up to! Drink the lucid dream elixir AI DREAMS to embody your avatar, access Dream Channel & see, hear, and touch its memories in the first person


Start/ End:   Feb 2nd - Aug 1st EST 4.30 pm

Price 0.0005

No of Tokens (Hours)  : 2,000,000,000 

Target : $200k 

FDV : $1.3m


Aug 2, 2025 - Jan 1st, 2026

Total Supply 14,754,278,500 (hours)

Price : Min 0.001 (5x Presale)

FDV $14.7m 




“I’D kill for A CAN OF aidreams”


“Do you think women find you attractive? If you told me your wildest fantasy do you think it would turn me on enough to make out with you?” Lucy Riot Kitten

The Show Format:

We are looking for 16 males to become stars in a series taking place in a Red Light District Metaverse . Allocated a ‘window’ to perform, audiences vote with their ‘eye gaze’ and then purchase AI Dreams tokens from stars they want to see win in The Battle Royale

The Movie/ Series

Jilted lovers , cheaters, women’s scorned and the ones that got away,  face off in a death match street circuit, inside Dream Chanenl AI . Presented as. “lets get even” dating show contestants are injected two at a time, & audiences back winners by buying AIDREAMS from the contestants they like. Who-ever sells the most wins!

Participant share 100 million AIDREAMS prize pool.  




1. $AIDreams

Avatars need ‘AIDreams’ to fight, go on dates etc.

2. Battle royale

Avatars fight it out in elimination rounds of:
32 > 16 > 8 > 2 > WINNER


Each win doubles tokens backed.

4. ai dreams pool

Participants share Battle Royale Incentive Pool
- pro rata based on final token holdings & tokens purchased in the sale.

5. digital series star

Winning avatar becomes the star of the next episode.



• Episode #1 - Watch to Earn AIDREAMS

• Pilot Episode - Where the Story Began

• The Series - 25 Floating Portal Cities.







  • The highest rating show on Dream Channel is a digital series about a JILTED LOVERS death match game show that takes place one of its 25 portals- in a floating Amsterdam world called LUCYDIA. The Dream Channel tribes take turns hosting the Battle Royale, and the LUCYDIA Corporation use it as the primary means to distribute DICE releasing 100m units to be won or purchased. The series features the top 32 ranked avatars of Dream Channel fighting it out to be the star of the next episode of the Dream Channel digital series. Audiences purchase ‘Star Tokens’ (each avatar has a personal star token) from the stars they want to see win. With each kill your star tokens double. When the winner is announced participants share the 100m DICE pro rata based on their star token holdings.


    Two Token Model

    Purpose: AIDREAMS is a utility token that represents 'time' in Dream Channel with 1 x AI DREAMS token buying 1 hour of content engagement. When users engage the token is used at a rate of 1 per hour of engagement, with a fraction going to the content owner as a reward.

    1. Supply Dynamics: AIDREAMS has an capped supply, and its issuance rate depends on the number of active players and gameplay activity. It is burned when used for watching content, which helps control inflation.

      • Monetization: Players can sell AI DREAMS on cryptocurrency exchanges for real-world value, enabling the play-to-earn model.

    2. AI GAZE (AIGZE):

      • Purpose: AIGZE is the governance token of DREAM CHANNEL AI ecosystem - and represents ownership in the game’s ecosystem, and the Eye GAZE payments system that powers AI payments. Holders can:

        • Vote on game and ecosystem decisions.


        • Stake AIG to earn rewards.


        • Use AIG for breeding AI AGENTS


        • Trigger AI-Agent eye gaze- allowing avatars to record and relay their POV to owners, as they explore the Metaverse on their own.


      • Supply Dynamics: AIGAZE has a fixed supply of (TBA) million tokens, making it more deflationary and valuable over time as demand grows.

    Summary of the Two-Token Model:

    • AIDREAMS fuels the day-to-day gameplay economy, and represents a unit of time, burned through engagement .

    • AI GAZE empowers players to participate in governance, staking, and long-term ecosystem growth

    This model enables players to earn through gameplay (AIDREAMS) while encouraging long-term investment and governance through AIGAZE .


    Founders & Advisors- 20 %
    Reserve - 20 %
    Market - 60 %

    1. PRESALE :

    START DATE: EST 4.30pm Dec 21st
    FINISH: EST 4.30pm Dec 31st
    PRICE. USDT 0.00005

    No of Tokens : 6 Billion
    % of Tokens: : 20%Target : US$300k
    FDV : $1.5m

    FEBRUARY 1st
    1 Billion Tokens

    3. THE SALE
    MARCH 2025
    Total Supply 29,508,557,000
    Price : Min 0.0001 (2x Presale Price - TBA)
    FDV $2,950,865 (edited) 


    Earn $DREAMAI

    Earn rate :  1 coin per minute  for time engaged with content / attention

    Fight Win : 20 $DREAMAI per win (can bet more)

    Burn DREAMAI

    AI Ecosystem:

    Avatars - require $DREAMAI to live, breed , fight , earn . Have embedded Gaze smart contract to earn from attention

    1000 $DREAMAI: Generate AI avatar with your personality

    3000 $DREAMAI : Procreate with other AIs / generate offspring with personality from mixed genes

    (i) Avatars :

    - embedded gaze smart contract - : earn / spends 1 $DREAMAI per minute for attention /

    - Biometric measurement incentive for immersion : @ 1 $DREAMAI per second

    (ii) Fighting

    - Fighting : 20 $DREAMAI per fight / winner takes all

    - Fight moves : 100 $DREAMAI per tribe basket of moves

    (iii) Replication

    - Avatars replicate 8 x @ 500 $DREAMAI each

    - Avatars are numbered 1 to 8

    - All ‘1’s hav access to Genesis token which can access the full moves library of all of family.

    (iv)_ Core Fighting Avatars

    - 12,800 fighting avatars - 64 x 25 tribes, (each one replicates 8 times)

    - Core fighting characters - 5000 $AI DREAMS to mint - contain special power moves

    - Sold at auction

    (v) Dream Spaces

    - There are 512 premium ‘spaces’ In each Dream Channel ‘tribe’ world x 25 worlds

    - = 12,800

    - Spaces are portal gateways to deeper Metaverse locations

    - Owners take a clip on directing traffic (can set clip % of money spent at destination by traffic sent

    - 50,000 per space (Burn Model )

    (Vi) Shared Content

    - Content can he shared for a % of $DREAMAI earned

    - Content owners set %

    (vii) Linked Cluster Search Tokens

    - Users can link content to any cluster of specific content in Metaverse search

    - When searched they come up in the cluster.

    - Core cluster (eg an influencer) get a % of $DREAMAI spent from cluster search

    (vii) Eye Gaze Advertising

    - Advertising Token Model : To execute a campaign, users select the maximum engagement time (e.g., a 2-minute ad) and pay 1000 $AI DREAMS for each minute of content as a fee, and add the rewards token.

    - EYE gaze campaign has a start / end date Once the campaign ends, $AIDREAMS tokens are split (I) viewers (50%) (Ii) , platform (20 %) , (iii) content provider (30% ) , split pro rata based on time engaged by the viewer

  • Audiences/ players generate an AI powered hologram clone of themselves that learns to be just like its creator. Audience members relationship with their alter ego fuels their desire to journey into Dream Channel. Creators embody experiences avatars have stored in the first person. The hologram tracks players biometric reactions (eye tracking movements) and body reactions (pupil dilation, body heat) while its creator is immersed to trigger responses / learn and become more like their creator.

    Dream Channel solves the creator economy conundrum - creating an AI alter ego with a mission to monetise its creators personalty and on-line presence . Dream Channel combines human paternal instincts, and AI o deliver a next generation ‘play to earn’ ecosystem where users forge a relationship with their alter ego to succeed.

  • The ecosystem includes 3 x cross pollinating game worlds

    (i) The PassThrough - a parallel universe that lies between the real world and the Metaverse - connecting players through a wormhole transit system.

    (ii) The Dream Channel - a immersive dream ecosystem made up of procedurally /AI generated planets and dreams

    (iii) The Real World - a layered AR world with a global map of access points (wormholes ) connecting real world assets / videos etc. Players navigate and engage by using a mobile app that doubles as an atlas and wormhole blaster. Linking to PC / VR using sync codes players become immersed and move from a God like player controlling / watching their hologram characters , to becoming fully immersed / embodying the hologram using & learning its moves.Item description

    (iv) Wormhole Transit System

    Each time content is shared Dream Channel generates a wormhole between the Dream TV Space the real world location and back to the intended recipients space, The resulting wormhole transit system creates a series of immersive tollways between locations that can be lined with immersive content - earning DZZZ while the user is on the ride to the location.


    Format Trailer .

    - Top ranked 32 avatars fight it out to be the protagonist of the next episode the Dream Channel Series

    - Audiences buy Avatar fragments to bet

    - Stars eliminate each other over 5 rounds 32 >16 > 8 > 4 > 2 > WINNER

    - Each kill double your bet.